An Opportunity to Help Change Lives

The Betty Memorial Institute (BMI) is a Christian school located in a predominantly Muslim region of Grand Cape Mount County Liberia and is led by Pastor Varney and his wife Queeta Freeman. Currently BMI has more than 200 students and is served by 17 staff members who work tirelessly to provide an education, food and housing in one of the poorest counties in Liberia.

Betty Memorial Institute (BMI)is the only grade school in Western Liberia that provides both Academic and Vocational Education between the ninth and 12th grades. When students graduate, they have training in Electricity, Agriculture, Domestic Science (Pastry, Cosmetology, Tailoring, Soap Making, and Catering), and Building Construction. A department that focuses on General Mechanics and Basic Welding is being added for the 2024 / 2025 school year.

How You Can Help

How to give today: 
1. Select the Missions-Liberia, Betty Memorial Institute fund (important!).
2. Choose One-Time or recurring frequency and enter a dollar amount.
3. Click Next to create a Subsplash account and enter payment details.
4. That's it!

A word from BMI’s Founder

“Years ago when the Lord directed us to start this Christian boarding school (BMI), the vision was, and still is, to enroll the children who are the more vulnerable and less fortunate in the County of Grand Cape Mount. These children constitute more than 75 percent of our church membership at every new church planted in Grand Cape Mount County.

"We have seen many of these children dramatically accepting Jesus, and are  developing into a mighty army for Christ. With Grand Cape Mount County being predominantly Muslims, the children that come to BMI will eventually become the presence of Christ and the agents of change in a more lasting way in Grand Cape Mount County.”
– Pastor Varney  Freeman